Coffee reviews

A species of orchid is named for a coffee company (Puro Coffee) that contributed to the preservation of land on which the orchid — among other species — was discovered. Includes a coffee review.

Revised on May 20, 2021

When you think of endangered species, I’ll bet you don’t think about Matschie’s Tree Kangaroos. Tree kangaroos and coffee also make an unlikely pairing. But I’m here to tell you […]

Revised on July 8, 2021

Review: AgroEco Coffee

by JulieCraves on January 14, 2012

Plainspoken Coffee. A Coffee Review for Ordinary People by Ordinary People, #49. The Community Agroecology Network (CAN) seeks to to link farming communities in Latin America to consumers in the […]

Revised on January 9, 2022

Favorite coffees of 2011

by JulieCraves on January 10, 2012

My favorite coffees of 2011, and what the list tells me.

Revised on March 14, 2021

Review: Bob-o-link Coffee

by JulieCraves on November 29, 2011

Bob-o-link Coffee from Brazil: two crop years, three roasters, and an interesting backstory.

Revised on November 29, 2020

Review: Coffees from India

by JulieCraves on November 16, 2011

A review of three Indian coffees that are outside the usual experience: a species rarely offered (liberica), a species usually avoided (robusta), and an arabica with unconventional processing (monsooned).

Revised on November 14, 2019

Plainspoken Coffee. A Coffee Review for Ordinary People by Ordinary People, #46. I’ve written about Doi Chaang Coffee, a unique Thai/Canadian partnership, before.  This is certified organic, certified Fair Trade […]

Revised on January 7, 2022

Review: PT’s Kenya Kia Ora

by JulieCraves on November 22, 2010

Organic coffee from Kenya accounts for less than 1% of exports. Here’s a review of one of the first widely available offerings, from a surprising source.

Revised on January 7, 2022

In recognition of National Pollinator Week, another review of a coffee with a great backstory.

Revised on November 25, 2020

Cafe Choco Andes is not just coffee — but a multi-layered conservation, education, and social welfare cooperative project.

Revised on January 8, 2022

Doi Chaang Wild Civet coffee is produced from the scat of strictly wild civets eating only high quality, organic arabica beans in Thailand. For those who feel compelled or interested in having an animal processed coffee and are willing to pay for the rarity and novelty, this is it.

Revised on January 7, 2022

For Arbor Day, a review of the coffees available from the Arbor Day Foundation.

Revised on November 25, 2020

Plainspoken Coffee. A Coffee Review for Ordinary People by Ordinary People, #41. Starbucks Organic Shade Grown Mexico is produced by around 900 small farmers on 3200 ha of land in the southern Mexican state of Chiapas [1]. Many of the…

Revised on January 28, 2021

Just to end the year on a unique note, we decided to try an interesting and unique coffee product, cascara. This is dried coffee cherry, and can be prepared as an infusion like tea.

Revised on November 14, 2019

Plainspoken Coffee. A Coffee Review for Ordinary People by Ordinary People. Three Fair Trade, organic coffees from BuyWell in Colorado Springs.

Revised on January 7, 2022